Wednesday, April 29, 2009

stop looking through my phone.

things i love:
- bloody marys (i like everything spicy, so the fact that i can have my alcohol spicy too makes me want to shed tears of joy)
- the food network (especially everyday italian, fuck you rachel ray!)
- oatmeal, i have the best recipe
- rereading a lot of murakami works
- having dreams about saul williams
- working hard and seeing results
- following john mayer on twitter (FAIL)

also, i'm going to have to eventually cut most (if not all) dairy products from my diet. i try to pretend that i'm not lactose intolerant so that i can eat ice cream and grilled cheese... but then i go home with a tummy ache. right now i'm trying to feel out vegan cream cheese. EH.

1 comment:

Jen Ninja said...

we are alike in so many ways. i too love spicy everything. i wish i had a superpower where i could make anything Im eating spicy. no joke. and also.. being lactose intolerant blows. but almond milk is the shit. waaaayyyyy better than soy milk! :)