Saturday, January 31, 2009

ok but really though.

if you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Am I my brothers keeper?

I just finished East of Eden. I'm sad it's over. I smell a tattoo coming in on my ribs.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"Let's get it over and the door closed shut on it! Let's close it like a book and go on reading! New chapter, new life. A man will have clean hands once we get the lid slammed shut on that stinking century. Oh, but strawberries will never taste so good again and the thighs of women have lost their clutch!"

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

the economy is killing us.

this is unbelievably sad.


thou mayest.
maybe two of the most important words in history. figure it out.
life right now is insane, as usual.
sorry for being a bad friend - i have no working phone (for the next week)
and i've been laying low. mostly just reading though.
keeping my nose in a book has always kept me out of trouble.
i'll be 22 in about a month and by then, my life should
be completely back on track with school and work.
i'm soaking up my last days on winter break
but i'm anxious to get back to school.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

See you in hell,

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Paper dreams, hoooney. . .

i need a new job. i'll never let go of the bar, i can stay with that. but i'd like something else as well. anyones job hiring? the economy is going to shit. i guess i could go back to office work... i guess i could also kill myself as well...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Saturday, January 10, 2009


"Just don't forget that some of us watch the sunset too."

Thursday, January 8, 2009

state of mind(s)

camus said, "thus each of us had to be content to live only for the day, alone under the vast indifference of the sky."

reading the plague was interesting. very quotable, as a friend recently described it. true. i love what existentialism represents - pushing for the individual to create his own reality and meaning in his life, complete responsibility of their existence. maybe that wasn't a great explanation, i'm not good with words. look it up for yourself, expand your mind. idk, i don't like talking about this subject matter for fear of sounding like i don't know what i am talking about... even though i do. i can't convert the thoughts into words well. whatever, this is for me, not you.

but this is for y o u: lets start a book club! but if you suggest something unintelligent or elementary i'm kicking you the fuck out. k? so, no twighlight books or secret life of bees or basically, anything from oprahs book club (the time travellers wife is exempt because that novel was amazing). oh! and no palahniuk. but, hm, murakami is okay.

mas o menos.

So. Living with my little cousins has been interesting. I basically live in Carson too which is closer to everything I care about, including (in no particular order) friends, school, and work.

I don't speak freaky deaky deutch, perv boy

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009

making up for lost time.

Esly's house

one night we partied too hard.
and one day we had a tea party.
that's what's up!

Hey Girl,

We are all laughing at you.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

"I wear black on the outside, cause black is how I feel on the inside."

People I want to meet
- avid readers
- music makers
- anyone i can carry an actual conversation with (that may eliminate 85% of you)
- anyone who isn't ashamed or afraid to act/look ugly
- anyone sarcastic/witty
- someone who can read my eyes/mind (sup, chieko?)
- anyone who isn't afraid to dance like a pro/dumb ass
- people who are looking to have a good time at the right time
- people with GOALS
- anyone that wants to eat pho/cho dang with me... like all the time
- anyone who can get along with my boyfriend (i know, it's hard sometimes)
- family oriented folks (i'm big on family)
- people who will teach me something, i love to learn
- BOLD people, stay true to yourself
- thinkers, intellectuals
- people with patience, teach me some...
- people who share my IMMENSE passion/love for the smiths (!!!!!!)
- people who are lovely on the outside and inside
- people i can trade books with
- people who share my love for american lit (esp. hemingway and steinbeck)
- people who appreciate robert frost and ee cummings (lovelovelove)
- smoking buddies who love to take drives, share a blunt, and speak their minds

(to be continued) but you know what? i can't be picky. i won't be picky. but these are some of the things i look for in people and these are the things i see in my friends. 

months late.

Why do we keep shrieking
When we mean soft things?
We should be whispering all the time.

much has changed around me, but i'm still the same girl.